Monday, May 25, 2009

ill health

I think we should move as fast as possible to a national health care system. We're about 4 generations overdue, 4 generations in which the "free enterprise system" has loaded us all down with a horrendous health bill.  We've now reached the point where the system we've allowed to exist is the essential problem, not the ability to deliver good health care to everyone.  How can we contort the current system enough to let everyone be covered? 

 How about a start-over?  

Oh, right!  That's not politically possible.  That's unreasonable.  That's unrealistic. 


Sparty said...

While driving around today on errands I heard a BBC report on a scheduled strike by train employees in France. Among the problems the reporter said faces France is a "national health system hemorraging money" and a "failing educational system." Hmmm

Alice said...

Maybe all the gun owners ought to shoot people who have health problems and solve two or more concerns at once. Insurance companies can then keep collecting premiums from people who don't need their services and the NRA will have lots less opposition. They might even be able to join forces and share the lobby.