Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Missiles: Newsflash

Iran test-fires missiles in Persian Gulf

Just one more way the Bushies have made us safer:  Our Iraq troops will soon be within missile range of a country which is furtively building nuclear weapons.  Oh, dear.  


Anonymous said...

I'll try to do a rhyme on the missiles of Iran.
I'm trying hard, but I don't know if I can.
Nut-Job wants to scare us,
Or try to embarrass.
Lets hope theres no flash in the sand !!

scot s w said...

Try to rhyme "Ahmadinejad", Dashmann

Anonymous said...

Dashmann - is your real name Mike Harris? Mike is a guy I used to work with who used to write poems (usually limericks) about anything and everything - you'd send him an email, and he'd reply with a limerick.

Anonymous said...

The task at hand is to rhyme with Ahmadinejad.
Is this guy human, or did he grow up in a pod ???
If I pull this off,
then Scott can't scoff,
As a poet, maybe I've, oh, been a god !!

Anonymous said...

I am your Mom and Bud's longtime friend since 6th grade----They are both much, much older than I !!!