Friday, July 18, 2008

Ask Bud (from whence cometh wisdom) #5

Many readers have written and asked me why the New Republic would run a cover cartoon insulting Mr. and Mrs. Obama the way they did.

I called together my brain trust, my most competent advisers: BARBARA BUSH, TED NUGENT, PAT ROBERTSON, RON PAUL, JESSE VENTURA, and SCREECH.

They consulted with their highest connection, Jesus, and this is what they concluded.

It is the fault of the Clintons. The Clintons made it acceptable to say nasty things about black people, by running against the Obamas. There are really only a few sources of evil in this country, and the Clintons are one of them.

[P.S. - The Clintons are believed also to be a major cause of scabies.]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

They look so young and idealistic in that photo! Though they do indeed look like they might have scabies.