Thursday, February 9, 2012

Sparty writes

The new controversy over whether or not the federal government may require religiously affiliated health providers to provide birth control information and the means of birth control is another example of the vitriolic character of current American political discourse. Republican leadership has rushed to label it as "Obama's War on Religion."

Here is Sparty's take on it:
This controversy over the Obama administration "infringing on the religious liberty" of the Catholic church is another example of a non-issue becoming a defining issue in a campaign, and that birth control should be a defining issue of religious liberty is laughable. The Catholic hierarchy is going to war with the Administration over an issue that few Catholics believe in. Survey after survey over the past 40 years have shown that Catholic couples practice birth control at approximately the same rate as the U.S. population as a whole. Of course, you don't need a survey to show that, all you have to do is look at the families in the pews. How many Catholic couples today have more than two children, let alone the five or more that were so common in years past?

Catholic theology contains the concept of sensus fidelium - that moral truth is taught not only by the institutional church but also by the faith of the people. The bishops at Vatican II taught that the teaching of the institutional church must accept this teaching of the people when there was a consensus fidelium. There appears to be a consensus on birth control that eventually will be accepted by the men who wear the mitered hats. Unfortunately, it won't come prior to November 2012 so we will have to put up with the charade of one Republican after another being "shocked, just shocked" over the HHS ruling.


Tdec31 said...

Nice commentary, Sparty. The idea that "celibate" men are staking a stand and making the decisions for women and their bodies is just as laughable.

The idea that Republicans are siding with them does not surprise me-- the hypocrisy is what upsets me the most. They do not want women to use birth control, and won't support legislation to help women who cannot/should not/do not want to have children. They will also not support places like Planned Parenthood who provide health clinic for women who are pregnant but cannot afford adequate care. They do not support programs for families with children they cannot support... They do not support families who need unemployment checks because they have lost their jobs and cannot support the children they have.

I guess the solution then is that we (including republicans in office,) should all just stop having sex so that we don't have to take birth control to stop unwanted pregnancies. Then again, that's what is so easy about being a man of the cloth as well... they don't have to worry sex and outcomes....

Oh... wait.

Tdec31 said...

Ughh.... Typos.... my apologies.

Alice said...

Great comments from both. It seems from my stand point that the underlying issue that the republicans and not to many others are making much noise about at this moment is the lack of universal single payer health care. If that were in effect this fight would be moot. The religeous groups would not half to violate their perceived princples and could ofer all the care they wanted to offer and are morally obligated to offer(Matt. 25)and any one who needed or wanted to would get the meds in question.

Alice said...

Sensus fidelium was a newpiece of info for me. Thanks, Sparty for sharing your knowledge with us.

Irene said...

I don't know where to start on this one, it's the stupidest thing yet in this election campaign. That is saying something! If employers want to impose their religious beliefs on their employees, then they should lose their public funding. This cracks me up too - no contraceptives for women, but Viagra for men -no problems!

Dashmann said...

Not very many insurance policies pay for Viagara anymore --- men also pay to play ---

Dashmann said...

Tdec ---you aren't really having sex are you ???? That so shatters my idealistic virginal view of you. And where did that baby come from ??? You are my favorite miracle worker ----
and an always good buddy !!