Monday, November 14, 2011

ALICE'S corner

I heard some commentary this morning about Herman Cain answering every question with, "I'll consult advisors." If we look back, Rick Snyder said similar things when questioned about his plans for Michigan if he were elected. And the Saginaw News in it's endorsement of Snyder in effect said that they didn't know what he planned to do but they thought he was the better candidate. Scott Walker in WI, Rick Scott in FL, Rick Perry of TX, the governor of Ohio (can't spell it), Rick Snyder here in MI and Herman Cain all have close ties to the Koch brothers, and most have attended the ALEC seminars in CO. There must be a joke in there somewhere about so many of them having either Scott or Rick in their names. Is it CODE or something? :)


Irene said...

They know nothing, so they can't answer any questions. I just read a Rick Perry quote in an NPR article about John Maynard Keynes. Perry said something like "that Keynes knew nothing about economics". How does someone like Perry get away with saying stuff like that? Maybe it is simply as Alice suggests, they have to consult with the people giving them their money to check what it is that they should say. What is their motivation for running for office? Ego? Public service doesn't seem to be a factor.

Alice said...

I'll bet self-service is, though.

Alice said...

Noam Chomsky published abook back in the early 90's called Year 501: the Conquest Continues. It is extensively notatated and tells the history of of the West domination of the south and east for their own imperialism. Incidentlly, I see O'Bama is continuing the heritage by setting up miltary bases in Australia this week.

Irene said...

Agh, I won't have any bad talk about Obama! I realized last night that I haven't heard him speak very often, usually it's just news articles. I was a bit overwhelmed at seeing and hearing someone so articulate and elegant and statesmanlike in our parliament! It's generally rabble. Anyway, I was silly and gushing and Tony was rolling his eyes in disgust at me! Pathetic I was. Back to reality, the US is just trying to piss off China, but I don't think the Chinese really care. I don't know what is in it for Australia, other than a pat on the head. We are still a good little colony/51st state.