[CLICK] has now exceeded 500 Billion Dollars. That is the cost to the United States. Of course, you won't have to pay most of that, even though it is your debt, because it is charged to the next generation.
500 BILLION DOLLARS. That is but one cost of the war. Here is another -- can you help this woman?:
"... it is with lent money that all evil is mainly done and all unjust war protracted." -John Ruskin
I'm in despair - $500 billion. Meanwhile the planet and the country is going straight down the tubes. Why are people so stupid. I have no idea what to say anymore.
1941 - Hirohito strikes US
1945 - FDR bombs Hirohito and Japan into submission.
2001 – Osama Bin Laden strikes US
2008 – Bush invades Iraq, eliminates Saddam Hussein in a country that did not attack us.
Osama Bin Laden, strengthened and still at large, called unimportant by Bush.
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